What are the deepest longings of your heart? Do you think you ever have a chance of having them fulfilled? Do you want to feel happy about a new thing or experience, or do you want a deep, abiding joy in your heart that carries you through every life experience? What if your best friend could give you this deep, abiding joy, and you had nothing to do with earning it? What if the king of all creation was your best friend?

 This short video will inspire you as we begin our conversation today.

Have you ever stopped to ponder what it would be like to live in a kingdom ruled by a perfectly good, righteous, loving, and merciful king? A king who loved, cared for and provided perfectly for the needs of all his people? Just imagine that for a moment. That is the precisely how Jesus reigns. The Bible tells us that one day Jesus will return as the King of Glory; and He will rule this world with perfect love and righteousness.

If you have given you heart to Jesus and are still experiencing a lack of passion or fulfillment in your life, it may be time for you to get quiet and take a deeper look inside your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if there are still a few more false idols standing in between you and the Lordship of Jesus.  Some of these  idols are pretty obvious while others can be very subtle. Depending on how attached you have been to them, the process of letting them go can sometimes be difficult and even painful. As you know, false idols take many forms. They can be our attachment to material things or to  our old beliefs. They can also be our obsession with our health or our appearance, or our performance in our profession life. Addictions of any kinds are also idols. Even our loved ones can become idols if they are more important to us than our relationship with God. Wanting to be loved, accepted or respected by others is also a trap and it can easily distract us from fulfilling God’s will for our life. Our idols can be anything that we place in between ourselves and our Heavenly Father.

If you are serious about deepening your relationship with Jesus, you must allow all your idols to fall away. The experience of dying to your old self, and to those things that give you a false sense of identity, can be very painful sometimes. As your old affections and attachments begin to crumble, you may feel a bit lost and become unsure about your commitment to follow Jesus. But hang in there! Make sure to keep surrounding yourself with other believers and keep spending time alone reading and meditating on God’s words and talking to Him.

It is not unusual for new believers to also experience the pain of rejection. You must be willing to let go of your old friendships that are pulling you away from your purpose, and you must trust God in the process. Sometimes, rejection from family members can be the most painful and difficult to endure. You may feel as if you are offering them the greatest gift they couple ever have, but instead of being receptive and grateful, they keep rejecting Christ and pushing you away. Just remember that it is Jesus who calls them and they will answer His call only when they are ready. Keep praying for those you love and continue on your exciting journey of Knowing Christ. The Lord will give you grace to grow in your ability to love those who reject you. Te good news is that  Jesus will give you a new spiritual family and many amazing new friends who are aligned with your purpose and your passion to share the Gospel. The people who belong in your life will stay!

 Indeed following Jesus changes everything and we literally become new creations! We must remember that this  transformation is a natural part of the healing and purification process.

Jesus did not promise that walking intimately with Him would eliminate all trials and tribulations from our lives. In fact, He assured us that we would have many trials. In John 16:33 Jesus told His disciples, “ I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.” (Amplified Bible)

Hallelujah! Indeed Jesus is our Lord and King and in Him we have total victory! Never forget who you true Father is! He is All Loving, All Knowing, All Powerful, Full of Mercy and Totally Faithful and Trustworthy! You can Trust Jesus with all your heart because His Love Never Fails!

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